Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Ranting and raving.... but mostly ranting.

Well, lets see.... Not much excitement has been going on here. Roman decided that I need to continue changing crappy diapers after-all. What a bummer. Not exactly sure what happened with all of that, but he was all gravy then just randomly decided he was over the whole potty situation. Most people would just keep on pushing it but the way I see it as he just really isn't ready for all the fun the porcelain god has to offer. We will try again in a couple of weeks.

We recently discovered this sweet new playground just up the road from us. I am pretty sure it is the best playground I have ever been too. Like, its a little inappropriate all the cool things our children are getting to enjoy now compared to what was available back in the early 90's.  Who am I kidding?! I am totally jealous because when I was young all we had was a wooden, wasp infested one. It was complete with those little pebble stones that would sneakily find there way into the bottom of your sneakers or jellies. Annoying.

Just so we are on the same page, let me share some pictures of the new park.

View as you are walking in

This. Park. Is. AWESOME! There are areas that have bells, drums, a color wheel, kaleidoscope, and tons more. Not going to lie, I can get a little edgy when I have to wait in line for the roller slide. I constantly have to remind myself that this is all for the kids, ha ha.
The only negative thing is there really is no place for parents to sit and NO SHADE (unless you like to hide under the playground its self). But lets be honest, I can only slouch like Quasimodo for so long.
It is hardly ever busy when we go there. I think people are just starting to hear about it since it is new. If you live in Wilmington and haven't been to Olsen Park, I highly recommend checking it out. Just make sure to sunscreen your little's up nice and good, and bring lots of water!

Oh and here is the park I grew up playing on....

Yeah, yeah, yeah... its big, and I did love playing on it. But when you leave with a couple of wasp stings, probably a few splinters and jellies full of rocks, you will start to question how much fun you really had. ;)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Face Yoga

I have been starting to notice the small signs of aging. I won't bore you with the details at this moment, but I have decided to start trying this facial yoga.
I hope this works! ha

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Joys of Potty Training.

I have been dreading this point for a very long time now. To the point where I was sort of prepared to just let Roman wear diapers the rest of his life. The positive part of that would  be he eventually would be able to change his own diapers and it would definitely keep the ladies away when he gets older.

On a serious note though, it hasn't been as bad as I imagined. I was planning on waiting until we got back from our trip to NY at the end of the month (Could you imagine two 14 hour drives with a newly potty trained toddler?!). Roman however had different plans and randomly asked if he could go pee on the potty. His ambition to keep going was that he loved putting toilet paper into the toilet. Well one roll, and a clogged toilet later I knew it was time to come up with a new potty plan if he was really going to do this thing!

Toilet paper in hand, and very excited about it.

A while ago we received a bulk size box of skittles from a good friend. They have become our new reward. He goes pee, he gets a skittle. He goes poop...... I plan on giving him a present and tons and tons of praise!

On the first day, he had a couple accidents as expected, but then he learned that if he went on the toilet that he would get a skittle. It got to the point where he would go a little, get a skittle... go romp around for awhile until he wanted another skittle and would go again. He would go a little and hold it over and over so he would keep getting more and more skittles. Sometimes I think he is a little too smart. But whatever gets him to go!!

The second day he did sooooo good! He woke up dry from sleeping and his naps. No accidents except for pooping in his underwear. OH MY LANTA!!! I wanted to gag. No way was I ready for this shit. Literally. I will spare you the details. You're welcome!

We are only on day 4, but things are still as good as day 2. My major obstacle right now is figuring out how to get him to poop on his porcelain throne. Here is what I have tried so far......

We started a poop band... yes you read that right, a poop band.
I really thought this was going to work BUUUT it hasn't.

Here are some of our top hits :

Roman had a Little Poop (Mary had a little lamb)
Twinkle Twinkle Roman's Poop
American Poop (American Baby- DMB)
The Itsy Bitsy Poopy
and many more!

My good friend was giving me some tips on potty training and it came up that kids like to feel grounded so I should try to keep his feet on something.

This is what I came up with lol... there is a small DVD player with Little Einsteins on it. Good news... he got to watch a whole episode of toonies. Bad news, he didn't poop.

We read books, played with iPhone apps, and consumed an inappropriate amount of skittles and chips. Hopefully something will work soon.

UPDATE--- as I was typing all of this up, you will not believe what happened! He pooped on the potty! WHOOP WHOOP!!!

What an overachiever. ;)

How funny is it that we get so excited over our children taking a dump on the toilet? The show and praise that goes on is pretty comical. I don't remember it, but I hope my first crap was just as fun and rewarding as Romans. (MOM- feel free to NOT share. Seriously, I won't approve your comment) haha